Monday, October 31, 2011

Google Reader gets a new look, Google+ now the de facto sharing option

Source: --- Monday, October 31, 2011
If you've fired up Google Reader today and noticed a change, you're not alone. Google has just put out a blog post that explains the happenings, and details a bit more about how you'll now share with Google Reader (in short, it's Google+) The new look falls in line with the rest of the changes that we've seen from Google over the past few months, specifically after the launch of Google+. You'll see a new preview pane that shows you all of your stories, with subscriptions along the left in a list like before. Sharing in Google Reader is now considerably different than before. Instead of having a network in and of itself, anything that you share is now going to happen via a +1 to Google+, as detailed in a blog post last week . Google says that it has done this in order to "streamline Reader overall", but the changes aren't as welcome by everyone. Sentiment across Twitter after the sharing changes were announced last week was that there would be many people who aren't connected on Google+ for various reasons who would miss seeing the internal shares that happened on Google Reader. In response to that, Google states the following: "We hope you'll like the new Reader (and Google+) as much as we do, but we understand that some of you may not. Retiring Reader's sharing features wasn't a decision that we made lightly, but in the end, it helps us focus on fewer areas, and build an even better experience across all of Google." In short it' ...

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